Her Hero Page 6
“How ‘bout if I aim to change your mind about that other fella?”
Sophia laughed. Thankfully, Don walked out just then and sat down in an empty chair. Bless his heart, he was usually oblivious to things and, tonight, it paid off as he didn’t notice the pointed look Brant gave him.
“The ad campaign will be a success. I have no doubt the sponsor will want it and ask for more. You’re on the crest of commercial stardom outside the arena.” Don sipped his wine and looked to Sophia. “What do you think, Sophia?”
“I think Don’s right. Brant, you will be happy with the end results. We’ll fly you to Nashville in the next couple of weeks to see the final, edited product. Or if you wish, a rep from our firm can come to Dallas.”
Despite the fact he’d been flirting, the bull rider was, above all else, a businessman. “I’m pretty satisfied with what I’ve seen so far. Thank you for everything.”
He stood and looked down to Sophia. “I would love to come to Nashville. Lots there I want to see.” The innuendo was not lost on her. Don, however, launched into a spiel about places to visit in Nashville.
A few minutes later as she lay in bed reading, her phone rang. It was Chad. They’d not spoken since he left. Immediately, her stomach tumbled.
“Hi, Cowboy. How was the meet and greet?”
There was a husky chuckle, so sexy, and she sighed. “Good. How are you? Did Brant make his move yet?”
So he had noticed. Sophia preferred not to play into any kind of competition between the males. “I’m good. All packed and ready to head home.”
“Dinner tomorrow night? I know a great place...out of the way.”
“I’d prefer if we stayed in. I don’t want to take chances being seen. How about I cook?”
“That’s usually my line. But sounds good. Text me your address. What time?”
She looked at the ceiling. What was she doing? “Is seven okay?”
“Yeah. So do I get an answer tomorrow then?”
“Chad...I do want to date you. But things can be complicated and I’m not sure about bringing that into your life.”
“How about we give it a try? Take it slow. Day by day.”
“Okay.” Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest as a wide grin split her face. “I can’t believe I said that.”
“Too late, you can’t take it back,” Chad said and, once again, chuckled. “You’re gun shy, and I understand it. Especially given my first impression. I promise you, that was uncharacteristic.”
“I know.”
They spoke for a few minutes before saying good night. Sophia sighed, torn between excitement at seeing him the next day and fear of the pain their eventual breakup would bring. They would break up eventually. There was no doubt in Sophia’s mind. Once Chad found out about her father, it would be over between them.
The next evening came too soon. She changed outfits for the fifteenth time, opting for a light, grey-striped dress and sandals. It took almost half an hour to get her hair up into a messy bun. Lastly, she added tiny hoop earrings. Instead of wearing perfume, she misted her neckline and wrists with body spray from the local bath and body shop. On her lips, she put pale pink lip-gloss and she finished the look with a few brushes of mascara. In an attempt to look casual, she forewent any other jewelry.
Dinner would be simple. She’d made lasagna and salad. Nothing too fancy since her specialty was thick, heavy and very filling. Sophia checked the oven, where the lasagna was on warm mode and lit a three-wick candle. Chad was bringing wine, so she pulled two wine glasses out and placed them on the table, which was set for two.
Now to wait. She walked in a circle, her mind on every detail. The house was clean. She’d gone over the main living areas one last time even though her cleaning service had been there the day before. It was silly, of course, since it wasn’t as if Chad would arrive wearing a white glove to inspect.
If their chemistry continued the way it had been, they’d have a hard time making it past dinner without making out at least once.
The doorbell sent her into a panic. Her stomach dipped so far she was sure it would never recover. Plastering what she hoped was a pleasant expression and not a wide-eyed-oh-my-God-it’s-him look, she let out a breath and opened the door.
He stood with a bottle of wine, a bouquet of multi-colored roses and a crooked grin. Damn, if she didn’t melt at the sight.
“Hi.” His gaze roamed over her then returned to meet hers. “You look beautiful.”
Unable to help it, she grinned like a loon. “Thank you. Hi. Oh...come in, sorry.” Sophia shuffled backward to allow him to enter.
“These are for you.” Chad held out the flowers and leaned in to press a kiss to her lips. “Sorry they’re not red, I thought these were pretty.”
Flustered, she took the flowers and walked to the kitchen. “They’re beautiful, thank you. I’ve never gotten flowers on a first date before.”
“Glad to hear I’m doing something different,” Chad remarked, placing the wine bottle on the counter and moving closer. “Can I get a proper welcome now?”
When he held his arms open, it made heat rise to her cheeks. Sophia went into his embrace and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his waist.
He held her against him. She couldn’t see his face, but something about the way he let out a breath and relaxed against her gave the impression he had, indeed, missed her.
“Wine?” Chad broke the embrace. She didn’t dare look him in the eyes. There was no way she was ready for it. She’d gone over every scenario, from blurting to him about her father to waiting to see how they got along. She wanted to see if, other than chemistry, they’d manage to make it into a full-fledged relationship.
Despite Mandy’s argument that he had a right to know being he was a celebrity, Sophia wondered if spilling something so private was a good idea. If the relationship didn’t go anywhere, then him knowing could spur on unwanted attention. And, once again, she’d have to hide for months until any news connected to her father blew over.
Sophia yelped when Chad took her and brought her against him. His mouth took hers with so much force that she fought not to grab him and drag him to the bedroom. Instead, she gave in, closing her eyes and relishing the taste of him, the feel of his hands exploring her body. Her splayed hands slid up and down his back as she, too, took full advantage of the closeness.
His breath at her ear was erotic. “You think too much.”
Sophia chuckled. “You know how to bring me back.” She looked up to meet his gaze. “It’s hard to look at you. I’m not sure why. It’s so strange, this pull between us.”
“I love looking at you. You’re the most beautiful lady I’ve ever had the privilege of kissing.”
“Thank you.” She pressed her forehead against his chin. “How about we eat and have some of that wine you brought?”
Throughout the meal, they kept the conversation pretty neutral. He asked about her job and she about his. They discussed plans for his upcoming concert schedule, which included a stop in Atlanta. He insisted she go to as many as possible and she agreed to attend a couple while reminding him she had a full time job. Besides, it wouldn’t be a great way to keep anything between them private.
Several times, Sophia had to pause to ensure not to give away too much about herself. It proved difficult.
Chad sat back and patted his stomach. “Did your Mama teach you to cook this good?”
Her lips curved at the memory of time together with her mother in the kitchen. “Yes, she did. She was a great cook.”
“You lost your mother already? She must have been young.” He covered Sophia’s hand. “I’m sorry.”
Time to change the subject. “She was. By the way, I didn’t make any dessert.”
“Doubt I would’ve had any room anyway.” Chad’s lips curved. “I’ll help you clean up.”
“Oh.” Sophia was caught off guard. Did he plan to help her put the dishes in the dishwasher and c
all it a night?
They took their plates to the kitchen. After rinsing them off, she placed them, along with the water glasses, into the machine.
“That was a quick clean up.” Chad came up behind her and pressed his lips to her neck.
Her eyes closed and she leaned back into him. The hardness of his chest was so natural against her back. Thankfully, he didn’t stop, but ran his tongue up to her ear and then ever so slowly back down.
She reached behind her and held on to his hips while he continued the wonderful movements.
How she wanted this man.
His breathless words took a moment to sink in. “I want you so bad.”
Instead of a reply, she turned in his arms and pulled his face down to hers. She took his mouth, licking and suckling at his lips until both lost control of their breathing.
“I’m nervous...about this...about us,” Sophia admitted between kisses.
“Me, too,” Chad replied. “But I’m willing to take a chance if you are.”
It was up to her, to give in or give up what had started between them.
She took his hand and tugged him toward her bedroom. The dice were cast, decision made.
Chapter 12
His eyes not leaving hers, Chad pushed down the straps of her dress and followed the progress of where the fabric slipped with his lips.
Swaying as her knees threatened to buckle, Sophia managed to unbutton his shirt and pull it back and down his arms. Between kisses and caresses, she tugged at his undershirt and unzipped his pants.
The man had too many clothes on.
When he unfastened her bra, she wore only panties, while he was still dressed from the waist down.
He lifted her up and placed her on the bed. It was then he removed his boots, followed by jeans, briefs and socks.
Fully nude before her, he didn’t seem to mind her perusal of his body. Why should he? It was obvious he spent hours toning it and Mother Nature had certainly blessed him in the endowment department.
“Keep looking at me like that and I won’t be much good,” he quipped, his lips curving, causing deep dimples to form.
“I didn’t think you could get any sexier.” Sophia squealed when he pulled her by the feet, dragging her down to the edge of the bed.
Chad’s gaze trailed over her body and he leaned over her. “You are perfect. I mean it. Wow.”
His words made her giddy. But that was replaced with wide eyes and a gasp when he pushed her panties aside and slid his finger down her center. Immediately, her body went into full alert and her hips lifted up to meet his hand.
He lowered to her chest. When his mouth lingered on her breasts, giving one attention and then the other, she grabbed at his shoulders. Between his mouth on her breasts and his hand sliding up and down between her legs, she could barely keep from screaming.
Time passed quickly and not fast enough. Sophia wanted more, needed him inside her but, at the same time, the anticipation drew her in until she could barely keep from crying.
“Take your time, baby. We’ve got all night,” he whispered into her ear. “Touch me.”
Sophia reached between them and took his length in her hand. Erect and hard contrasted with the silky skin as she stroked him, satisfied when he thrust into her hand.
“Oh,” she gasped loudly when his fingers pushed into her, while his thumb circled her nub, sending her over the edge.
Crying out his name, she let go and allowed the climax free rein. The entire time, she continued caressing him.
In a daze, she heard the tearing of the condom wrapper and watched as he shielded himself.
Chad rolled to his back and guided her to straddle him.
The woman of his dreams leaned over and kissed him. Her silky hair fell from its holdings, curtaining them. Chad wasn’t sure how long he’d last once she took him in. It had been a long time since he’d wanted someone so much.
Exposed to him, her breasts over his face, Sophia leaned forward and took him in hand. Ever so gently, she guided him to her core and lowered down to take him in slowly.
She was tight. Damn, if he didn’t grit his teeth to keep from losing it. Her hands flattened on his chest and she peered down at him, seeming to concentrate on whatever his expression was. He hoped he didn’t look like he was in pain. But damn if it didn’t take all his willpower not to roll her over and ram into her until he came.
“Ride me, Sophia. Take it all.”
Her eyes closed when she pushed the rest of the way down, taking him fully was almost his undoing.
The beautiful sight of her with her lips parted and her full breasts jutted out as she lifted and lowered kept him mesmerized.
As much as he wanted to reach for her, to caress her, it was all he could do to hang on to the bedding as she rode him so hard the entire bed shook.
When she cried out and trembled, he rolled her onto her back. He drove in and out of her while she scratched and tugged at him, lost in the fervor of their lovemaking.
Unable to control it, to stop or slow, Chad continued the thrusts, his body taking over the need to finish.
A ball of heat formed at his center and shot out to every limb. He shuddered and came with so much force he almost passed out.
“Bad idea.” Charley walked into the kitchen the next morning and gave him a knowing look.
He’d arrived only an hour earlier after spending two nights with Sophia. “Speak in complete sentences, please. I have no idea what you're talking about.”
His sister poured coffee and stood flamingo style, with one foot on the side of her leg. “I had Sophia checked out. Something is off.”
His jaw pulsed in pain from how hard he gritted his teeth together. “Why did you do that? You discuss these things with me first. Do you understand?”
“Whoa,” Charley snapped. “Since when do I not do a background check on someone you date?” She moved to the table and leaned over. “You’ve been dating Sophia for weeks and you still don’t know anything about her family or where she’s from. Don’t let lust cloud your judgment, Brother. You could pay a high price.”
“Give me some fucking credit.” He was furious now. “You have no right to meddle.”
Charley glared. “Unless you’re firing me, I have every right. It’s my damned job. So keep your attitude in check. I won’t take you yelling at me.” She grabbed her coffee and stalked toward the screened porch.
It had been a great weekend with Sophia. He didn’t want to come home to drama or arguing with his sister. Chad let out a breath and went to find Charley.
“Look ,I’m sorry. Sometimes it gets tiring, not being a normal guy.” He raked both hands through his hair. “I really like her, okay?”
“I know.” Charley kept her gaze down. “That’s why this is not good.”
He walked to stand in front of her. “What did you mean by something is off?”
Charley rolled the cup between her hands. “The P.I. said it’s like she popped up out of nowhere five years ago. Nothing, no credit, no accounts, no rentals, nothing about her up until five years ago. Granted, she could have been living with her parents and not had any bills, but there should be a driver’s license or something.”
“What if she changed her name? Divorced or something?”
“Nope.” Charley shook her head. “P.I. says the only time he’s seen anything like this, U.S. Marshals showed up and told him to back off.”
“Witness protection?” Chad lowered to sit on the other end of the couch. Could that be why she’d been so reluctant and demanded total privacy? He’d invited her to come on tour with him for a couple days. She’d come up with an excuse not to go and repeated that morning how she’d rather keep a distance when not around each other.
“I’ll ask her. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation.” He wasn’t too sure about that. So, instead of calling, he decided to ask her in person the following day.
Charley reached over and patted his leg. “Sorry, Brother. I hope, for your
sake, it’s something simple. By the way, I’m moving out. Decided to buy the condo after all, I’m so excited.” She pumped her free hand in the air. “You gonna miss me?”
“Hell no,” Chad lied.
“Ha!” Charley stood. “I’m going shopping. Have lots of furniture and décor stuff to purchase. Today, I take a day off.” She flounced out of the room, seeming to not have a care in the world. Chad knew better. She felt just as anxious as he did about Sophia.
“Damn it.” He got to his feet. There was much to do. Tending to the horses and such would keep him occupied. Perhaps, by the time the day ended, the P.I. would call with better news.
Just as he got out to the horse barn, his phone dinged in his pocket.
A request for an interview. He rolled his eyes. It was the same network reporter who had raked him through the coals. How they got his number and why they thought he’d say yes was something he’d never understand about reporters.
Instead of texting a response, he powered off the phone.
What had begun as an amazing morning of lazy lovemaking was turning out to be an annoying day.
When he walked into the horse stables, the scent of hay in the air accompanied by the nickering of horses settled him. Immediately, Chad’s shoulders lowered.
He had a good life.
“Hey, beautiful,” Chad called out as he followed Sophia through the gym parking lot to her car. “What about giving a guy a smile or something?”
She whirled around with a scowl, before recognizing him and shaking her head. “I almost gave you a piece of my mind.”
“You can be intimidating. I feel bad for any guy that tries to come on to you.” Chad neared and she took a step backward.
When she scanned the area, he wondered if she’d always been so wary. “You shouldn’t be talking to me in public.”
“You need to relax. It’s just talking. Besides, it’s been a while since the video. It seems to have blown over. I want to talk about us. Where this is going? Can I come over tonight?”