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  • The Wolf of Skye Holiday Highlander Romance: Moriag (Moriag Series Book 5)

The Wolf of Skye Holiday Highlander Romance: Moriag (Moriag Series Book 5) Read online

  The Wolf of Skye

  The Moriag Series

  Hildie McQueen

  Pink Door Publishing

  Augusta, Georgia 2015

  The Wolf of Skye

  Amazon Bestselling Author

  Hildie McQueen

  Pink Door Publishing

  Cover Artist: Robin Ludwig Design Inc.

  Editor: Scott Moreland

  Digital Formatting: Author E.M.S.

  Copyright © 2015 Hildie McQueen

  ISBN: 978-1-939356-39-0

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without written permission.

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  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Other Works by Hildie McQueen

  (In reading order)

  The Moriag Series

  Highland Historical Novellas

  Beauty and the Highlander

  The Lass and the Laird

  Lady and the Scot

  The Laird’s Daughter

  The Wolf of Skye

  The Laird From Skye*

  The McDougalls

  Highland Historical Novellas

  Highlander’s Captive

  Seducing Her Laird

  Enticing Her Highlander

  Ravished by the Laird

  In the Warrior’s Arms

  The Highlander Series

  The Archer

  The Battle

  The Reckoning

  The Storm

  * Not published as of this publication

  Chapter One

  The quest to find the well brought Faolan Mackinnon far from his beloved Skye. He’d traveled for many days on the foolish idea that if he found the well and cast his wish upon it, the fair Moira, his true love, would finally be his forever.

  As a second born son, he had neither title to offer nor lands and because of it, his father, the laird Mackinnon, had betrothed Moira to his older brother, Ewan.

  In a fortnight, the marriage would take place so he’d left prior to the hand fasting ceremony, unable to stomach being present. Faolan rode away on a solitary quest, with his guts churning and heart in pieces.

  Now, as he neared a small village just south of Moy in the western Highlands, it was late in the evening and his stomach grumbled in anticipation of a hot meal. He reckoned a warm bed to follow would be quite nice as well. Mentally calculating the coin in his purse, Faolan decided it was worth it. He’d hire a room for the night and a place in the stables for his horse. After all, the well could not be very far from there. According to the stories his grandfather had told to him, he had to be very close to finding it.

  The inn was noisy and quite busy. The villagers, it seemed, enjoyed a good drink, lively music and company on cold nights. The din of the conversations over the music accompanied by clinking of tankards lifted his spirits and soon Faolan found himself sharing a table with a local man who introduced himself as Paden Grant.

  Paden, who seemed to be about the same age of his eight and twenty, studied Faolan constantly, his gaze full of curiosity at hearing about his quest. “Surely you cannot think that wishing upon that old well will bring the woman to you?” The man lifted his tankard and drank deeply before continuing. “’Tis said it will bring true love, but I do not think it will always be the person of your choosing.”

  “She is the only woman I will ever love. I am sure of it.” The words felt strangely hollow, but Faolan refused to allow the feeling to linger. “Have you wished upon it?”

  “Nay, nor have I ever sought it,” Paden said with a chuckle. “I have enough on my hands trying to keep my troublesome sister from mischief. The last thing I need is another woman to worry over. It may not exist, but a tale.”

  “The lass is a feisty one, eh?”

  “Quite so.” Paden leaned back and scanned the tavern. “She’s about somewhere in here. Is refusing to speak to me because I’ve decided to marry her off.”

  Faolan looked about the room, searching for someone who favored his new friend. Paden was fair of skin with dark brown hair and light eyes. It was hard to tell in the dimness of the room, but probably a greenish hue.

  Clapping commenced and two men assisted a lass onto a tabletop. The musicians began playing a happy tune. People cheered as the lass danced, her arms in the air and feet making quick work. With a riot of red hair and a bright smile, she turned in circles in time to the music.

  Faolan could not help notice what a lovely creature she was, with full size breasts, small waist and angelic face.

  Still dancing, her bright smile faltered when Paden got to his feet. “She’ll be the death of me.” His new friend rushed to the table, plucked the lass from the tabletop and set her upon the floor. “Go home, Catriona, and see about that unruly mess of hair.” The crowd booed at Paden, but he ignored them.

  “I will not.” She rushed to the table where Faolan sat and plopped down onto Paden’s empty chair. With a pout, she lifted Paden’s tankard and drank deeply.

  “Catriona,” Paden growled, then gave up. He dragged another chair over and sat. “Why do you insist on being foolish?” Her brother took the tankard back while she gifted him with a broad smile.

  “I love you, brother of mine, but you are much too serious.” She had a melodious voice that matched her beauty perfectly. Instead of sitting upright and still as any lady should, she rocked side to side in time to the music. “I love this tune.”

  Paden looked to Faolan. “Do you see now why I cannot marry as of yet?”

  “Aye,” Faolan replied only to garner a glare from Catriona who just then seemed to notice him. Her face reddened and she blinked several times while studying him. “Who are you?”

  “Catriona,” Paden motioned to Faolan. “This is Faolan Mackinnon of Skye.”

  “Skye really?” She leaned forward inspecting him as if he were the most interesting thing. “Truly?”

  “Aye.” Faolan’s throat became dry and his heart beat faster. “Have you been there?”

  She shook her head slowly and then looked to Paden, who studied them both. “Is this he?”

  “What are you referring to sister?” Paden motioned for a tavern woman to come and refill their drinks. “I have no idea what you speak of.”

  The lass narrowed her eyes at Faolan. “It is you. I know it.”

  “Who do you think I am?”

  “Fine, continue to play this silly game.” She huffed and got to her feet. Her gaze on Faolan, she lifted an eyebrow as if in challenge. “Do not expect me to become a wilted lolly who will do every one of your biddings.”

  “I would never expect that of you lass,” Faolan said truthfully. He rather liked her nature and hoped no one would ever try to change her.

  She turned to her brother. “Very well then. Bring him along. I’ll do it.”

  Both he and Paden exchanged questioning looks and then waited for
Catriona to elaborate. Instead, she laughed at something someone said to her and clapped to get everyone’s attention. Someone motioned to the musicians and the music ceased. The crowd quieted.

  The slender lass climbed onto the chair and held her arms out as if welcoming the room. “Attention everyone. My lout of a brother has decided to marry me off.” She waited for the hisses and boos to end before continuing. “Hence forth, I will soon be married to Faolan Mackinnon, the Wolf of Skye.” She motioned to him with much fanfare and the entire room focused on him with eager expressions. Obviously she’d used the Celtic meaning of his name to garner a reaction from the crowd.

  Paden let out a groan and shrugged when Faolan looked to him for help.

  The silence lingered until finally Faolan got to his feet and lifted a hand. The room erupted in cheers and tankards were lifted in toasts. A group of men rushed over and lifted Faolan onto their shoulders, carrying him around the room as the music resumed.

  When he was brought back to the table and dropped onto the chair, drinks were shoved into Faolan’s hands and more than one man clapped him on the back calling him courageous.

  Catriona watched with arms crossed and a triumphant look as an older man approached. “Foolhardy if you ask me. No one would marry the lass; she’s a good girl but much too strong-willed for her own good. If it were not for the announcement, I’d advise you to run and go as far as possible.” The man shook his head and placed a bottle of whiskey on the table. “This may help.”

  The minx’s lips trembled with barely controlled mirth as she eyed the whiskey. “Looks like ye’re the townsmen’s new hero. This will keep the single men from having to figure out how to tell my brother they will not marry me.” She tossed her hair back off one shoulder and cocked her head to the side. “And those who are married are relieved not to have to worry about one of their sons being saddled with me.” She leaned forward and peered intently at him. “A silent one are you?”

  “Ladies and gents,” the old man cried out and the room quieted. “Let us hear from the groom to be.” The man motioned for Faolan to come to stand at the bar.

  Faolan looked to Paden, whose eyes were round as saucers. “Will you go in my stead and explain the mistake?”

  “Come along now bridegroom,” Catriona insisted as she tugged him toward the front of the dimly lit room. “Tell these fine people why you’re so smitten with me and cannot wait to be my husband.” When he met her gaze, just for an instant, he spotted uncertainty. It was barely discernible, quickly hidden by a raised brow of challenge. The minx expected him to come up with an excuse, to rush through the speech, admit it to be a mistake and then run like a coward.

  Every eye in the tavern went from her to him as they stared at each other. Faolan wrapped his arm around the woman’s waist and brought her against his side. A collective murmur of astonishment sounded.

  She felt perfect, as if made for him. Tucked under his arm, her soft curves molding to his harder body, Faolan felt protectiveness take over. He eyed her, noting the green of her eyes reminded him of a lush forest floor.

  “I am proud to marry such a beautiful lass. I do not plan to tame her or change her in any way. That she’s feisty is true, but a finer heart I dare anyone to find.”

  The crowd nodded their heads, admitted what he expected. That although Catriona may be hard to control and perhaps a bit too carefree, she cared for the people of the village and they for her.

  “You do not know me enough to say that sir,” she said softly and pushed away.

  The old man raised his cup. “A kiss!”

  Catriona’s eyes widened and she turned to him. Before she could utter a word Faolan took her mouth, covering it with his and delving head first into an experience like he’d never known.

  Desire and innocence combined with madness and heat battled for control, only to be doused by the knowledge that he’d just sealed his fate.

  The quest he’d come for could be no more.

  Chapter Two

  “Have you gone mad?” Catriona’s maid, Bessie, asked for the tenth or twelfth time. “Why would you put the gentleman in such a predicament?”

  “Ouch,” Catriona exclaimed when Bessie yanked the comb through her tangles. “How was I to know he would accept? I expected he would run out the door and leave town immediately.”

  The fire in the hearth flickered, giving the room a warm glow. The shadows of the flames cast moving figures on the walls and flooring. She dug her cold feet into the warm blanket where Bessie had placed a heated brick wrapped in cloths.

  “Now I have to figure out what to do,” Catriona told her housekeeper and confidant. “Paden is quite cross with me.”

  “Surely Mister Paden will not stand for you to marry this stranger,” Bessie said and began braiding Catriona’s hair.

  Catriona looked toward her door. “I thought the same but, instead, Paden invited him here to stay for a few days. From what I overheard, the man has to hurry home. I would say he can only linger a sennight at the most, because if he doesn’t leave soon, it will be impossible to reach Skye until early spring.”

  Bessie sighed. “They seemed to have hit it off, to be fast friends, ’ave been talking nonstop since coming from the tavern.” She stilled for a moment. “’Tis a handsome one, isn’t he?”

  “Aye, that he is. But no matter. I willna take a husband. Will never marry and be treated like cousin Osla, heavy with the fourth bairn in as many years. Sean always off in the fields working, while she’s stuck at home with all the noise and havoc.”

  “She seems quite happy to me,” Bessie replied then shrugged when Catriona directed a glare at her. “And Sean is a good husband.”

  “Of course she is not happy. Who would want to be constantly heavy with child and with a husband who can’t keep his cock put away?”

  Bessie’s gasp was followed by a quick smack on Catriona’s head with the brush. “Do not be speaking like that. You could be o’erheard and Mister Paden will have both our heads.”

  Catriona rubbed the sore spot, frowned, but also looked to the doorway. “Mark my words. As we sit here, those two are plotting a way for the Wolf to get away. Even as early as tomorrow morning, he will be gone and I will never see him again.”

  She stopped talking and looked into the flames. The warm embers reminded her of Faolan’s eyes. They were a warm amber shade like she’d never seen before. As handsome as he was, it shocked her to find he’d escaped marriage for so long. He seemed older than she, perhaps closer to Paden’s six and twenty than to her age, as she was barely nine and ten. “If he leaves in the morn, I will have but a kiss to remember him by,” she said pretending to swoon. “Poor, pitiful, spinster Catriona everyone will say.” She let out a chuckle and looked to Bessie with a glint in her eye. “Hmm, t’would be a pity not to have more than one kiss from my betrothed, don’t you think? I should try to seek him out before he departs. Say a proper goodbye.”

  Bessie cocked her head to the side, her expression pensive, brows lowered as her gaze took Catriona in. “You like him.”

  A chuckle escaped. “Now you are the one who’s gone mad. How can I feel anything, Bessie? I’ve barely spoken but a few words to the man.”

  “And yet something about him speaks to you.” Bessie was silent as she braided Catriona’s hair. “Tis said when two hearts are meant to be, they speak to each other. I wonder if perhaps you do need to spend time alone with him. Just to be sure. What if he is meant to be yours?”

  Catriona sat up and cocked her head. The murmur of male voices traveled to the kitchen from the main room. “I want to know what they speak of. Come with me.” Before Bessie could utter a word of protest she tiptoed barefoot down the hallway to the main room. Bessie ran into her when she stopped and both stifled a giggle.

  The men sat on opposite chairs facing the fireplace. Paden was speaking but with his voice being so deep, she couldn’t make out the words. “Blasted man, I wish he would speak up,” she whispered to Bessie, who nodded

  “I won’t go back on my word. Yet I still plan to go to the well,” Faolan said and took a drink of whatever was in the glass. Whiskey, she ventured to guess. From the stronger brogue and slowness of his words, the man was drunk.

  Paden chuckled and reached for the bottle of whiskey. “I’ll go with you. May make a wish of my own.”

  “Drunk, the both of them,” Bessie said shaking her head. “In the morning they’ll be sorry for it.” Bessie forgot to whisper and Paden turned to the door. Catriona ducked and shoved the maid forward.

  Bessie was quick to recover from the shock of being found out. “Mister Paden. Do you require anything? Perhaps some bread and cheese to soak up some of the drink in your bellies?”

  Both men seemed to find what Bessie said comical as they laughed until leaning forward. It gave Catriona a chance to get a good look at her betrothed. Something in her stomach fluttered and her breath caught at seeing, once again, how attractive he was. He sat relaxed in the large chair, with one long leg stretched before him and the other bent. His red and black tartan that wound mostly around his waist earlier, now fell in folds over his legs. He wore a grey tunic that did not hide the wide expanse of his chest and broadness of shoulders. Her gaze traveled to the opening at his neck, which gaped open as the fastenings had come loose. There she spied a sprinkling of hair, making her wonder how much it covered.

  There was a shadow of hair on his jawline and his light brown hair fell to his shoulders. When she looked to his eyes, he was looking at her. A corner of his mouth lifted, acknowledging he’d been aware of her ogling and Catriona’s eyes widened.

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