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A Heartless Laird (Clan Ross Book 1) Page 16
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Page 16
Elspeth stood in front of the looking glass, dressed in a simple but flattering green dress that fell in folds to the floor. A tartan of the Ross colors was carefully draped over her left shoulder and held in place with a beautiful broach. Her hair was done up in a flattering crown of braids with ringlets falling to her shoulders.
The young woman was breathtaking. Paige could barely wait to see the expression on her soon-to-be husband. Not that he deserved such a kind wife.
Perhaps before her stood the one person with the power to stop the clan wars. Yes, Paige was certain. Elspeth would be the key to peace in the region.
Her lips curved at meeting her new friend’s gaze. “Thank ye for allowing me to attend.”
“Nonsense,” Elspeth replied, taking her hands. “I will demand ye not be locked up any longer. Tis a thing of men, imprisonment of innocents. What threat can ye possibly be if allowed to return home?”
Paige looked to her interlocked hands. “I do not have a home to return to. However, I thank ye.”
Malcolm stood inside the chapel, flanked by his brothers. Kieran, as usual, scowled, his eyes locked on the door as if wishing to escape. Tristan kept vigil, his attention moving from Malcolm to their mother and then to the doorway. During times like this, it was impossible to relax. They’d yet to discuss Laird McLeod’s missive and decide how to best move forward.
His uncle had stated it was best to get the wedding ceremony completed and allow for a short meal and celebration.
They would meet afterwards with council members to discuss how to proceed. Just then, someone walked in. It was the woman who’d come to plead for a truce. The one Alec McLeod was willing to chance death for. She sat in the back of the chapel. He had to admit she was quite lovely although gaunt. She kept her gaze downward.
Elspeth had demanded for her release and Malcolm could not deny her anything. Not that day. For the first time in his life, a woman affected him like none before her. There was a desperate need within him for Elspeth and he would not deny it to himself.
Somehow, she’d become the one person he could be with and not hide his thoughts, feelings or weariness. Elspeth listened without judgment. True, she did not agree with everything he said, but despite it, she accepted him.
His mother and sister sat stiffly with identical expressions of disapproval. Lips in a tight line, eyes straight ahead. Even when Elspeth appeared at the entrance, they did not turn to look. Everyone stood, leaving his mother and sister as the only ones seated.
Malcolm lifted his gaze to the entrance and his breath left. Elspeth was dressed in a beautiful, moss green gown, the Ross tartan draped over one shoulder. Beside her, her father walked. The blacksmith wore a plain brown tartan, effectively stating no affiliation to a clan.
There were murmurs as his woman walked forward, her beautiful green eyes locked on him as if for support.
“I am here for ye.” He mouthed the words and hoped to convey the message. When her lips curved just a bit, he knew she’d understood.
Once at his side, the clergyman began to speak. “State yer name and make yer promise.”
“I, Malcolm Patrick Ross, accept to be tied in marriage to ye today and for always.” Malcolm took her hands with his as both their mothers wrapped a strap of fabric around them.
She swallowed visibly and looked to him. “And I, Elspeth Clare Muir, accept ye to be my husband for always.” Her voice trembled a bit and her hands shook.
Finally, the clergyman finished whatever he said. Malcolm did not hear a word of it. His entire concentration was focused on the woman whose hands were bound to his.
He leaned forward, ensuring only she could hear. “I will never betray ye.”
When she smiled, his chest expanded.
Soon, everyone made their way to the great room. The atmosphere was lighter than usual, especially once the people began to drink ale. He saw to it that everyone, even those in the courtyard, were well fed and had plenty of ale. Lively music wafted from outside as people began dancing around small fires.
Inside the great room, a separate set of musicians entertained, the candlelight making it seem much more intimate. Although guards remained at each entrance and at their appointed posts, it was the most enjoyable day since his father’s death.
Tristan pulled Verity to dance, his sister finally relaxing enough to do so, her face brightened by a smile when his uncle joined in.
Malcolm looked to his mother. She watched, her face devoid of expression and he wondered what she thought.
“Go speak to her,” Elspeth whispered. “She must be terribly lonely on a night like this without her husband.”
Malcolm recognized that he’d not given his mother much attention in the months past. There was so much to do then and even now. However, he could, for one night, allow time to do other things.
When he settled next to his mother, she gave him a startled look. “Should ye not be with her?” There was bitterness in her voice that had not been so evident when his father was alive. Although his mother had never been a mild-mannered woman, she had been fair and he’d never a doubt that she cared for him.
“Now that I am married, I hope ye find it within ye to get to know Elspeth. She is a kind and caring woman. She is who I choose, Mother.”
Lady Ross nodded. “I know that full well. Tis not that I do not wish the best for ye. Tis that she is not who yer father would have chosen.”
“I believe he would have once meeting her.”
“A peasant, a villager as the laird’s wife? Ye make a mockery of our family, the entire clan.”
Malcolm took a strengthening breath to not yell at his mother. “Is that why ye had her taken?”
Her eyes grew round and slowly narrowed, a scowl appearing. “If I did, it was to save this family from having to withstand yer marriage to that pauper.” His mother glanced toward his bride. “She barely knows how to hold a cup properly. Have ye noticed the roughness of her hands, the lack of knowledge of even the most rudimentary of things?”
He’d had enough. “And yet her presence is so much more pleasant than yers or Verity’s.”
“Tis not with yer head ye are thinking. Soon ye will realize the error of yer ways. But tis too late.”
“Enough, Mother.”
Instead of relenting, his mother turned her attention to where Paige walked to sit with Elspeth’s mother and grandmother.
“And now what happens? Even the prisoners are allowed to celebrations?”
He fought to keep his voice even. “The woman is not a prisoner. She will be released to go once I am assured of her safety. Things have to change, Mother.”
“And what about those responsible for yer father’s death. Are ye forgetting…”
“I am not.” He didn’t wish to argue, nor attempt to convince his mother of something she’d not change her mind about. “Try to enjoy yerself.” He stood and returned to where Elspeth sat.
Not wanting to ruin Elspeth’s night, Malcolm took her hand. He guided her to where his brother and sister danced. They joined in as the musicians started a new lively song.
“Tis not a race, Husband,” Elspeth grinned up at him. “If ye do not slow down, I will faint.”
Malcolm had to laugh. He’d not realized how fast he’d been guiding Elspeth about the room.
Tonight, he would enjoy his wife and in the morn, would face whatever came next.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Elspeth was flushed and happy. Although she’d never ever expected marriage to a man like Malcolm, so stern, stubborn and relentless in his pursuit of vengeance. At the same time, he enthralled her.
The side he revealed to her in private was what made her sure in the choice to marry him. Now as the night progressed and it came time for the marriage bed, she became anxious for what was to come. There was no fear of what would occur between them. As a matter of fact, she was ready for the next step that came after the culmination of so much need.
The only p
ortion that was worrisome was the bedding ceremony. With him being the laird, it was expected. The annoying tradition had to have been the idea of men. Women had no desire to see bloodied sheets. At least she didn’t.
In her village, it was fathers of the groom and bride that sometimes demanded it. For the most part, the wedding night was private between the newly married couple.
She eyed Malcolm, who sat next to her. He spoke to his uncle and looked to be relaxed. When he nodded and chuckled at something the man said, it made her glad to know he was in good spirits.
There had been so many bad days.
“We should see about getting ye to the bedchamber,” her mother spoke into her ear and, immediately, her stomach tightened and her eyes grew wide. Malcolm turned and took her hand. He squeezed it gently and then turned away.
Some comfort he was. Elspeth stood and allowed her mother, Ceilidh and Maggie to lead her away. To her chagrin, Malcolm’s mother and sister hurried to follow. No doubt ensuring they didn’t try to cheat in some sort of way.
Elspeth turned to look at her new mother-in-law and smiled. The woman responded with a stern nod.
Once in the bedroom, the bedding was turned down. Elspeth changed into a newly made white chemise and her hair was brushed out.
She wanted to tell everyone to leave, as it was silly for so many to help someone to prepare for bed. Traditions like these made her glad to have lived in a simple village her entire life.
Just as she sat atop the bed refusing to lay back, the door burst open and Malcolm entered, obviously pushed forward by his brothers. Behind him were his uncle and his cousin. She was relieved her father and brothers remained outside the door. When the clergyman entered, her wide eyes clashed with her mother, who had the same shocked expression.
“Very well then. Let us get the required formalities done with,” the clergyman stated matter of factly, his disapproving gaze on Elspeth. “Ye must lay back, lass.”
“I am perfectly aware,” Elspeth snapped. She swallowed, her throat bone dry. “This is most distressing.”
“Lay back,” Lady Ross said, pushing her shoulder. “It will be over quicker if ye cooperate and do not simper.”
“I am not one to simper,” she replied and gasped when Malcolm took her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed.
He pushed her legs apart, and then moved the chemise up to her stomach. Without hesitation he then reached through the folds of his tartan to take his sex in hand.
“Relax,” he said softly.
Elspeth wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Here she was, bare to a room full of strangers with her legs apart, about to be taken for the first time and he wanted her to…
“Ouch!” She yelled as he pushed his erection in, causing a piercing sensation that took her breath. “Stop!” She pushed at his hips. “That really hurts.”
He pulled out and she scrambled up to the headboard pulling her chemise down over her legs. Perhaps she looked a fright but, at the moment, she cared little.
“There, darling, it’s done.” Her mother came up and attempted to hug her. But Elspeth was much too mortified to move.
“Go.” Malcolm said. “Everyone please leave.”
When he looked at her, she was sure he saw how much she did not like him in that moment. Whatever he’d done had nothing to do with lovemaking. It hadn’t brought any feelings other than pain and embarrassment.
As the room emptied, to Elspeth’s horror, she began to cry.
She peered up to Malcolm through wet lashes expecting that he’d be turned away. Instead, he watched her with guarded concern. It was as if he were at a loss as to what to do.
“Elspeth,” he finally said, coming to stand beside the bed. “I am sorry that I hurt ye. It was required. Do ye understand?”
It wasn’t in her to reassure him, not in that moment. Elspeth glared at him. “Ye could have said no. Ye are Laird Ross after all.” She sniffed and wiped away tears with the back of her hand.
She watched with fascination as he pulled the tunic up and over his head displaying a beautifully sculptured, masculine body. It was impossible to look away and she studied him. Wide shoulders, broad chest that tapered to narrow hips. His legs were well built from horse riding and his biceps bulged from sword handling. She purposely kept from looking at his sex, the stark reminder of pain and humiliation she’d just gone through.
Fully nude, he slid between the covers. “Come here. Allow me to hold ye.”
For a long moment, Elspeth hesitated. Torn between needing comfort and being upset, she wasn’t sure to trust him fully yet. And still, she was tired of all that had happened since the night before and what was still to come.
Finally, she went to him and Malcolm pulled her into his arms. “I understand why ye are cross with me. But tis tradition. One that has nothing to do with us. Not really.”
“The only purpose is to ensure we join? I do not understand. We said vows. It should be enough.”
He nodded and rubbed her arm absently. “True. But without consummation, the marriage can be annulled. Families want to guarantee it cannot be so.”
“Tis only the wealthy that hold to it. In my village, it is not done.”
When he pressed a kiss to her forehead, she relaxed against his warmth. “True, our marriages are often agreements between clans, for reasons of survival. We have to ensure the well-being of our people.”
Elspeth bit her tongue as she was on the verge of reminding him how he’d not exactly done well by his people lately. She didn’t want to argue on this night.
“Will ye allow me to show ye how it should be between a man and a woman?”
His hand slid down her back, leaving a trail of anticipation. She shivered despite the warmth of the bedding and his body. He took her chin and tilted her head up to press a kiss onto her lips. “Let me show ye,” he murmured.
“Aye.” Elspeth was breathless, her heart thundering at the thought that they’d be joined and it would be different than just a few moments earlier.
At least she hoped it would be.
Traveling from her mouth, Malcolm licked down the side of her throat, his hand making quick work at sliding her chemise off her shoulders and down past her hips, until it was finally completely off. He trailed his tongue from her shoulders to her breasts, his mouth taking one tip in while cupping both with his hands.
She gasped at the unfamiliar sensations that surged up and down her entire body. Already, the kisses, licks and caresses were proving to overwhelm her senses and she wondered how it was possible to continue.
“Mmmmm.” Elspeth threw her head back and threaded her fingers through Malcolm’s hair.
With the tip of his tongue, he circled the tip of one breast and then the other, while she writhed beneath him. He wasn’t completely atop her, just his upper body and she wanted more. What she needed was his full weight, the pressing of his body completely touching every inch of hers.
When he sucked in the tip of her breast, she gasped and dug her fingernails into his shoulder. “Oh.”
“Ye are perfect,” Malcolm said and lifted his head to look into her eyes. “When did it come to be that I cannot consider a day without ye?”
Elspeth wasn’t sure if a response was necessary. His confessions astounded her. Why did he feel so strongly about her? It made little sense, especially when he was so heartless and distant most of the time.
Thought evaporated when one of his hands slipped up her leg and inner thigh. He circled his fingers on the sensitive skin until she couldn’t help but moan loudly. Every single sensation was multiplied when his lips pressed over hers, his breathing just as quick as hers.
Finally, he moved over her. The weight of him was as exquisite as every touch and kiss.
Elspeth ran her fingers down his broad back, rewarded by a low deep moan. He pressed his hips to her center and then slid up and down, his hardness rubbing just at the precise place where heat pooled.
“What do ye feel?” His hu
sky voice at her ear made Elspeth’s eyes open. When he moved again, he once again caused so much arousal in her that she feared fainting.
“Too much to explain,” she whispered. “Tis like I want for it to end and to continue forever at the same time.”
His throaty chuckle made his stomach ripple and she felt every bit of it. It was as if her skin were on fire, sensitive to the touch, every sensation pronounced.
Once again, he took her mouth, this time with so much fervor she couldn’t breathe. And yet if she were to die in that moment, it would be a wonderful ending. She gasped when he probed past her lips with his tongue and, at the same time, one finger pushed into her sex.
Moving in and out with both his tongue and finger in the same rhythm, Malcolm brought her to a point where she cried out. The elusiveness of whatever was to come was too much to bear and she grabbed at his hips. “End it please.”
“Ye are ready,” he replied and she wasn’t sure what he meant.
Once again, his sex prodded at her core and she spread her legs instinctively. He pushed in, the intrusion of his thickness filling her completely. Elspeth’s hips lifted and she took even more of him.
“Ye are so perfect,” Malcolm said and then slid out and slowly pushed back into her. He continued the movements at first slow and then faster.
“More,” Elspeth said, her hands cupping his buttocks and pulling him into her. “I need…”
He thrust with force, sliding out and then again, the pace taking her by surprise and, at the same time, not seeming enough.
Suddenly, the room began to spin, her body quaking as she felt herself floating. Strange streams of heat traveled from her core down her legs and she screamed as she fell from nowhere.
His hoarse cry was loud as his entire body trembled while, at the same time, heated seed spilled. Elspeth pulled his face up and took his mouth, needing the closeness between them to continue.