Her Hero Read online

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  “What time will we finish shooting tomorrow evening?” Brant asked, his warm gaze moving from her eyes to her lips. “Maybe I can take you for a ride on one of my all-terrain vehicles. The land around here is beautiful at night.”

  Everyone seemed to lean in as she weighed how to reply. She avoided looking at Chad and considered that Brant was a client. “Sounds great, but I doubt I will have free time. I have to oversee the daily edits and that will probably go late into the night.” She looked to Mandy. “Mandy and her hubby will have plenty of free time once the filming is done. I bet Mandy’s husband would be thrilled to do it. He’s so looking forward to meeting you.”

  Mandy choked and sputtered, garnering a slap on the back by Chad. “Oh...yeah, a nighttime ride would be a lot of fun.” She nudged Chad with her elbow. “Wanna come?”

  Don clinked on his wine glass. “Let’s drink to a successful shoot.” Everyone raised their glasses to a chorus of “Here, heres”.

  As soon as it was not too obvious she was anxious to leave, Sophia pushed back from the table. “I better get some work done before it gets too late.”

  “I’ll come with you.” Mandy got up and moved to the doorway.

  There was a shuffling of chairs as the rest of the diners stood. Tom remained sitting and reached for a roll. “I’m hanging here for a bit.”

  Sophia practically ran to the bedroom with Mandy in tow. No sooner did the door close behind them when Mandy dissolved to the floor in laughter. “I didn’t even ask Brant if Joe could stay here. You were supposed to remind me.”

  “Oh my God.” Sophia covered her mouth with both hands. “I totally forgot.”

  “I don’t think he’s too happy with you at the moment. So let’s wait and ask him in the morning.” Once again Mandy began laughing until finally Sophia joined.

  Sophia went to the sliding glass doors and opened them, allowing the sounds of the water in. “I’ll have to find a way to talk to Chad. I will have to be polite and spend time when needed with Brant. He is our client after all.”

  “We’re a marketing firm, not a pimp house,” Mandy said with a huff. “If he’s interested in you, this is not the time to do it. I think it’s in bad taste.”

  Although she was not there to date or meet someone, it was probably the only chance the bull rider would have to get to know her. So she didn’t blame the guy for trying.

  “He’s taking advantage of an opportunity. Can’t fault a guy for that.” Sophia settled back into the pillows. “I wish he wasn’t interested though. It was awkward.”

  Mandy grabbed her pajamas. “I’m taking a shower.”

  Just as the bathroom door closed Sophia’s phone dinged. It was Chad.

  I keep thinking about the kiss.

  Her lips curved and her cheeks warmed. Me too.

  Come to my room, I’m across the hall.


  Good night kiss?

  Not a good idea

  Afraid you can’t control yourself ;-)

  She considered what to reply. Giddy, she bit her bottom lip and took a deep breath. This was dangerous. As much as she wanted to date him, the timing was horrible. The idea of it even worse. The bad publicity they were working hard to repair could potentially take a devastating hit.

  Only for a second, but no kiss

  I’ll take what I can get

  Knowing it was a bad idea, she went to the bathroom and cracked the door. “Hey want anything from the kitchen? I’m going to get a bottle of water.”

  Over the sound of water, Mandy replied, “Grab me one please.”

  Chad’s door was cracked and she walked in. The thuds in her chest almost made her turn back. He appeared, wearing gym shorts and a loose t-shirt. Before she could catch herself, Sophia looked him up and down. The man was too attractive for words.

  “You look casual.”

  His lips curved knowingly. “Yeah. I’m about to do some push-ups and stuff. Have to exercise to get rid of any energy so I can go to sleep. Sometimes it takes me a while.”

  Not sure what to do, she looked around the room. “This house reminds me more of a hotel than a home. It’s definitely set up for guests and not a family.”

  His wide shoulders lifted and fell. “I suppose it’s never been a home per se.” As he spoke, he closed the distance between them and, wrapping his arms around her waist, brought Sophia against him. “You okay?”

  The way his eyes looked directly into hers was uncomfortable. Almost like he could read her thoughts and know every secret. “I’m good. Just a bit...I don’t know, trying to figure out what’s going on between us.”

  “I want to date you. You want to date me. But something, maybe my profession, is making you hesitate.”

  Sophia could only blink at how accurate his assumption was. “Yes. I am not sure I can date a famous guy. Who you are overwhelms me.”

  “I’m just a guy.”

  Despite the tumbling in her stomach and the urge to kiss him, she laughed. “No you’re not.”

  “I threw up on you the first time I got you to go out with me. That was a stupid guy move.”

  “Yes, it was.” She couldn’t help but lean into him and pressed her forehead to his chin. “I don’t think I can do this. It’s a bad idea for so many reasons.”

  “Bad ideas are what makes life interesting. I have them all the time.” He lifted her face up to him and moved his lips closer to hers. “But this...us...it’s not a bad idea.”

  When his mouth took hers, Sophia wanted to cry at how perfectly their mouths and bodies melded.

  She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing even closer contact between them. If they kept it up, they’d end up in bed. The last thing she needed was for it to turn physical. It was impossible to think when around him. All she wanted was to touch, kiss and feel him. Something traveled through her body and she shuddered. It wasn’t as if she’d not kissed other men before. But this, whatever it was, felt so different. New.

  Chad pulled back and peered down at her. “What are you thinking? You think too much.”

  Instead of a reply, she lifted to her toes and kissed him again, running her fingers through his hair.

  His lips curved against hers. “Okay, I won’t ask.”

  Pushing away from him took monumental willpower. “I better go. Getting some water...”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  They walked to the kitchen, her entire body fully aware of the hot guy who good-naturedly explained his nighttime exercise routine in a teasing manner. “So first, I lower into a plank. Sometimes, I push up with my arms while keeping my hips down...you know pressing down. Then I go down until my chest touches...”

  Sophia slid him a knowing look. “I know what you’re doing.”

  “What? I’m trying to explain how I do my push-ups.”

  When they walked into the kitchen, Tom looked up. He sat at the counter with a cup of coffee and what looked to be freshly baked cookies.

  Chad rushed over and grabbed one. “Did you bake Betty?”

  Tom gave his friend a droll look. “No, Rachel did. I told her I had the munchies for something sweet. She thought I meant food.”

  The guys laughed until they noticed Sophia’s raised eyebrow, then they cleared their throats.

  “I’m just here to get water.” Grabbing bottles from the refrigerator, she turned back to them. “Good night.”

  Chad’s lips curved. “See you tomorrow.”

  Rushing back to the room, she entered and squeaked when Mandy looked up, her face green. Literally.

  “It’s an avocado face mask.”

  “Oh.” Sophia walked over and handed her a bottle of water before lowering next to her on the bed. “I’m in trouble. I really like him.”

  “Then date him. Honestly, we don’t know how much who your father is will hurt his career. Ask Chad, tell him the truth.”

  Sophia’s eyes rounded. “I could never. It’s too horrible. No...I need to just forget about him.”
r />   “I would frown at you, but my mask won’t let me,” Mandy quipped. “I think you’re in too deep now. You can’t go backward. That man is under your skin.”

  “Yes, he is.” Sophia fell back onto the bed and pressed the heels of her hand into both eyes. “I want him so bad.”

  “Then tell him. Date him in secret for a while. Tell him you prefer to not be public with your relationship.”

  For the first time, hope edged in. “He’d probably want that anyway. Don’t you think?”

  Sophia noticed Mandy’s open suitcase on the floor.

  “Mandy, why are you in my room and not in yours?”

  “We’re having a slumber party.”

  “Good idea.”

  Chapter 10

  Unfortunately, Sophia had not exaggerated when it came to how long the filming days were. The second night since he’d seen her, it was after two in the morning when she walked past his door to her bedroom. He went over and knocked.

  She opened it, moving back to allow him in. By the dark circles under her eyes and the tired smile, Sophia was exhausted. Yet she managed to still be the most beautiful woman he’d ever kissed.

  “Hi,” she whispered. “You’re still up.”

  “Hi. Yeah, I’m kinda a night owl.”

  “I sorta am, too. But on days like today, I’m too tired to think straight.”

  “Get some rest.” He turned to go and she reached for his hand. “Thank you for coming to say hi.”

  “Of course. I didn’t see you last night, so I wanted to see you before I leave. I’m heading back to Nashville after the meet and greet this afternoon.”

  The frown made him feel good. That she was not happy about him leaving alleviated the dread he felt that Brant could woo her away. “We can talk when I get back okay?”

  “How about you give me a hint what you’re thinking?” Chad cupped her chin, lifting her face. “Are you gonna date me?”

  Her lips curved as her gaze fell to his mouth. “I want to.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Kiss me good night. I have to get to bed.”

  He pressed a chaste kiss to her lips not wanting to end up losing more sleep from being too excited. “Good night, pretty lady.”

  Their hands lingered, fingers touching, until he walked out.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t get a chance to see her before leaving. After a round of morning golf, Chad and Tom headed to the event after which they’d be departing to return to Nashville.

  People were lined up in front of the building when he and Tom arrived. He got out of the car to finger pointing and squeals by the people in line. It was always fun to see fans’ reactions when he did unexpected things. Charley would have his ass for not coming around the back like she’d instructed but, at the moment, he did what felt natural.

  He remembered standing in lines for his favorite acts and never being acknowledged by the artist. “Hey y’all, how you doin’?” He walked up. People began to scream and clap, calling out his name. A couple of women, unperturbed to lose their place in line, rushed over to ask for pictures and autographs.

  Next, a man tugged a woman near. “The wife would love it if you posed with her,” the man said with a wide grin while his wife cozied up to his side. Chad put his arm around the older woman’s shoulder and smiled down at her. “All right, but only one. I have to be inside shortly.”

  He walked up and down the line shaking hands and posing for selfies. Although Charley had said it would only about fifty people, there were a lot more than that in the line.

  “We were told only fifty would get in, but we came anyway, hoping to catch a glimpse of you,” a teenager screamed more than spoke. “How can we get in to see you perform?”

  Tom was in the process of being sandwiched between two women, a wide smile on his face indicated he was having the time of his life.

  “Hey, Tom, how many people you reckon fit inside?”

  “Not sure. Maybe a couple hundred?” Tom winked at him and Chad nodded.

  “That’s what I figured.”

  Amidst screams of joy and clapping, Charley barreled toward them. By the barely concealed glare, he was in big trouble.

  “Time to go gentlemen.” She smiled at the people in line. “You’ll see him in a bit inside.”

  “We don’t have tickets,” the same teenager yelled. “He said we might all be able to go in.”

  Charley’s eyes rounded bigger than saucers. “Oh. I’m not sure...”

  “What’s the capacity?” Chad asked.

  “I--I...” Charley looked toward the building. “I suppose a hundred or so. We only send out fifty invitations.”

  “Make it happen. All these folks have been out here waiting. Let ‘em in.”

  Loud cheers erupted when Charley finally held her hands up in surrender. “All right. But let’s go inside, you two.”

  The event went well after a bumpy start of tables being set up. Chad performed alone, accompanied by his guitar. Although only one hour was promised, he ended up singing a few extra songs with Tom.

  Once the performance was over, he prepared for the people with invitations who were promised one-on-one time.

  Charley had yet to speak to him and, although he knew she was angry at his antics, in the end, she’d agree it was a good move. Everyone had a great time and the special guests were treated to closer seats and got the extra time to speak with him.

  Once all the people without tickets were ushered out, the fifty invitees remained and were lined up to come up to the stage and speak to him. Pictures were taken and he autographed items pushed in front of him by eager fans.

  A woman with a wailing baby kept being pushed aside in hopes the child would stop crying by the time she came up.

  Chad let out a huff. “Wait. Now let the lady and her baby come on up.” He stood and took the harried young woman by the elbow and brought her up to the stage.

  “I’m so sorry. She’s tired. I shouldn’t have come, but I don’t know anyone, so I couldn’t get someone to watch her. We just moved here and my husband got deployed.”

  “Well that ain’t this pretty lady’s fault,” Chad said, taking the red-faced baby and rocking her in his arms. “She probably doesn’t like my singing.”

  The young mother’s wide smile was all he needed. He lifted the baby up higher and began singing Country Boy Lullaby, which had nothing to do with babies and such. Everyone in line snickered, but the baby seemed to like it as her cries became softer. As he held the tiny body and continued singing, he put an arm around the mother’s shoulders and ad-libbed. “Your daddy is gone protecting us, you have brave parents little girl.”

  At the words, the mother pushed her face into his chest and cried. Together, they rocked as he finished the song and both mother and daughter stopped crying.

  “How long before your husband returns?” Chad smiled at the woman.

  “Three weeks.”

  “There, you see, not too much longer. You made it this far, another three weeks is gravy.”

  Just as he was about to hand over the baby girl, the mother reached and caressed the child’s cheek. “She’s asleep. Thank you for being so kind.”

  A series of clicks sounded as people took pictures and Chad met Charley’s warm gaze as she neared to escort the mother and daughter away.

  “You did great,” Tom said. “I think you pulled it off.”

  “Nah. Did you notice the way the TMZ woman’s eyes were rolling around? She’ll find a way to put a negative spin on things.”

  “Well, people saw what they saw. The real you. That counts for something.”

  “That’s all that matters, Brother...all that matters.” Chad pulled his cell phone out and looked at the screen. There was a message from Sophia.

  Good luck today. Miss you.

  His lips curved just as Charley returned from speaking to the venue manager.

  “It cost a pretty penny to do the last minute additions. But since it was you, they d
iscounted most of it. They're using pictures of you and the event for advertising. Need you to sign this waiver for the pictures taken today by the staff.”

  He signed the papers. “Sorry, Sis. I know this was a lot of work for you to pull off at the last minute.”

  Charley narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t apologize. None of this is your fault. By the way...” she leaned forward and studied his face. “What’s up with you? You look different.”

  Sometimes, he hated having a sister who knew him so well. No privacy. Or maybe it was what siblings did. Nosy as all get out. “Nothing, what’s new with you?”

  “You’ll tell me.” She whirled and met Tom’s wide gaze. “Or Tom will tell me.”

  Tom and Charley dated on and off. So far it was hard to tell why they didn’t make if official. In Chad’s opinion, his sister should take a note from him and not ask questions. Knowing his sister was still within earshot, he turned to Tom.

  “So when you two gonna make it official? You know, become a couple?”

  Tom’s eyes grew wider before he feigned boredom. “We don’t get along well enough to be a couple. Your sister is an independent woman who doesn’t need a man. Can do it all for herself.”

  So he’s struck a chord. Charley glared at Tom. “You are blowing what I said out of proportion.”

  Tom shrugged and gave Chad a pointed look. “I think he’s in love.”

  Chapter 11

  Brant sat next to her on a double chair on the deck with their legs touching. It was impossible to move away, especially since she had wide hips, so Sophia gave up. “Why is it so hard to get to know you better?”

  It was the last night at the lake house. Just one more night and they’d be flying out the next morning. She wanted to see Chad, could not stop thinking about him and what would happen when they finally had time alone.

  “I’m sorry, Brant. I am seeing someone.” It was a bit of a stretch since she’d not given Chad an answer yet. But it was pretty much decided. Once she got back, they’d date and she’d deal with making sure to keep the relationship secret until she could admit the truth about her father. But maybe it wouldn’t come to that point. Either way, Sophia wanted to be with Chad and she’d do whatever it took to, hopefully, make things work.


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